How to convert to Islam and be a Muslim in Los Angeles
If you are looking to convert to Islam in the Los Angeles area and become a Muslim, WhyIslam SoCal can help with the process.
Islam Convert Shahada Service in Los Angeles
WhyIslam Southern California based in Los Angeles, CA offers the Shahada service of converting to Islam and becoming a New Muslim.
Muslim Convert Classes Start in Los Angeles
Classes for new Muslim Converts in Los Angeles, CA have started by Embrace, A Project of ICNA and WhyIslam.
Muslim Convert Support Group Launches in LA
Too often converts are embraced and congratulated after entering Islam and then left to figure the rest out with little to no help from their local mosque or community.
WhyIslam SoCal’s Founding & Goals
As misinformation and lies about Islam and Muslims became rampant after 9/11, ICNA decided to start WhyIslam.
Where does WhyIslam SoCal receive it’s funding?
As a registered US non-profit organization WhyIslam SoCal can only receive donations made from individual donors in the US.